Although the tiger is a rare animal, it has a special place in human society. If some person is said to be a tiger then it is considered to be very honorable. Actually, the lion is the king of the jungle. The tiger should be told as if there is any animal that can compete with it. The main difference is that lions live in flocks of 10 to 15. But mostly tigers love to live alone.
The life expectancy is only 15 to 20 years. Half of all tiger cubs die within the first two years due to various reasons. The highest number of these in the world is in our country, which is in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Of the total 3,167 tigers, more than 300 are in Madhya Pradesh.It is followed by Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Gujarat. The tiger hunts for its food only at night. It has six times the power to see in the dark than the human eye. Therefore, it lurks in the bushes and among the trees, listening to the sounds of the animal it wants, and at the right time it breaks down.
The tiger's paw is even more powerful than the lion's forelegs. Any animal can be killed with one or two blows. And then it bites. Its principal food is ,cows, rats, mice, rabbits, deer, and lizards etc. It eats birds, fish and small mammals.
The experts who have studied the nature of the tiger say that as much as possible they will run away from the sight of man. If we have seen a tiger once while living in the forest, it means that the tiger has seen us at least fifty times before that! But if you resist, you will be killed. When a large animal is hunted, it spends a week eating and resting.
Especially when it is cold, it spends hours beside streams, in bushes, in caves, and even in the shade of trees. They love to spend a lot of time in the water. When you see a tiger, you talk with your eyes. It will not tolerate another male tiger coming into its territory. However, when the female arrive, they make a loud noise. The sound can be heard three miles away. Hearing this, the female tiger comes to make love.
The female has a territory range of 15 to 20 km. The male tiger declares that he is in control of more than this area. It means that all the animals within that area are their property. If another tiger enters someone's territory, a fight ensues. The winner will win the area. Ironically, nowadays, the humans are more cruel than the tiger and the territory is occupied by the man to build his habitats. And tigers are coming into villages nearby forest.
As a result, the tiger population has declined significantly. They do not know where to go, and they fall in the trap of humans to get killed. When the tiger is old and its teeth are broken then it does not have the power to hunt any other animal. At the same time, they hunt even people for food. That has to be remembered.
However, the Bengal tiger will attack and kill the elephant. The tiger runs from thirty to forty miles per hour. That is, it is less fast than the cheetah, but the tiger is ahead in terms of power. The Jim Corbett National Tiger Park in Uttarakhand is spread over an area of 500 acres. Birds roam freely here. Hunting is not allowed. The government does not allow hunting even in the parks located at Bandhavgarh and Ranthambore. They roam free there. The Nagarjunasagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve is the largest tiger reserve in the country. It is spread over Nalgonda, Mahabubnagar, Kurnool and Prakasam districts.
Many efforts are being made internationally to increase the number of endangered tigers. There are currently only 13 countries in the world having these ones. In other countries, the demand for their body parts is a prime reason getting killed in the hands of poachers. The white tiger living in the Rewa region of our country is almost extinct. The national and international day for the conservation of rare animals should not be forgotten, and the spirit should be effectively imbibed in the future generations as well.
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