February 4, 2025


 Receiving your ordered one through the post or couriers is fun and the smell of the pack overwhelms you all over. Our family members seem clueless about the imagination of unboxing items. Be it a book, gadget, shirt, or whatever, it compels us to feel exhilarated. Though it's available down the corner, receiving it from the postal man was something extra happier. Now, the postman is replaced by an Amazon man. A slight difference and it isn't essential. Still, the sense of expectation is there. In the same fashion, I keep subscribing to small and locally unavailable magazines too. Whenever visit other states, I never fail to watch out for local publications. Preferably English ones. Book stalls in the bus or railway stations always are filled with such kinds of papers. I don't mind whether they are dailies, weeklies, monthlies, or whatever.

Every publication has some variety in its sort of articles. That too with local flavor mixing other interesting stories. I used to pay subscriptions for such kinds of publications. English language wise also, different publications follow different kinds of styles. Sometimes they would cover what so-called reputed magazines left with pre-occupied notions. Items regarding the social, cultural, and economic conditions of the particular state open new doors for us. I got such kinds of local papers when I visited Mysuru, Bengaluru, Kottayam, Chennai, Bhubaneswar, Pune, and Kolkata. Subscribed soon after I returned to my place. Many of them have posted to my address without fail. But postal transit was a big problem then. Some copies were lost that way.

As I said earlier, receiving them through the post is my all-time interest. Rarely do I go for e-papers. Still, I receive many magazines through that means only. The Week, Frontline, and others. A couple of years back, Subscribed a fortnightly "Mycity links" for a year. It is purely dedicated to Orissa news items, coming from Bhubaneswar. However, it attracted my attention for its quality articles, interviews, blurbs, and heritage issues. I have a respect for the editorial team. Circulation manager Pradhan played games in sending the magazine. He was posting some issues only and my queries have gone astray. Informed it to the editorial board, but everything proved futile. Marketing with a professional spirit is also a key factor along with giving good content. 

That's only the bitter experience in my journey of receiving journals through the post. I have never faced this kind of thing with any other paper. The Week (weekly) magazine is so prompt and reciprocal for any kind of inquiries. However, my trust in print paper through the post never gets faded out.

--- Murthy Kvvs

Written for #WRITEAPAGEADAY                                          Words : 440

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