May 25, 2024

Betsy , taking another pull at Harold Robbins


It's all about the story of the automobile industry. And it was written by Harold Robbins, published in 1971. 

Pervert, sleazy or whatever you say, you will come across such characters all along the book. Simply spiced up in view of attracting readers as much as possible. 

Angelo Perino, Loren Hardeman (three generations), Duncun, Elizabeth all these move through the plot with very strange sort of experiences.

 Fighting in the family and competition with outsiders, sometimes, would test our patience and no dearth for pleasure trips which could take us to cloud nine.

This book came to me through a second-hand book stall. Gifted as a compliment when I purchased some other books. 

So it has its turn to get through. The worst or best habit of mine is to get it completed by the last page of any book. 

The Detroit-based narrative religiously hit hard for every fifty pages with the explicit descriptions of blow job in every possible way.

 Who was there to push Robbins around? None, I mean, in terms of sweeping through passion. There is a stony silence in me once I finished with it. 

----- Murthy

#betsy #passion #hit-hard #haroldrobbins

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